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  • Lace

July 1st

Updated: Aug 2

  The air is crisp at 4 am on a Monday at Francis S. Gabreski Airport. I don’t think I have ever been up at this hour but it is moving day for us. From the beautiful Hamptons to Texas.

You read that right Texas.

   I am currently in the care of my aunt Maggie who is a writer and artist after both my parents went on a “cruise to the Atlantic” and were “never found”. To be honest I know for a fact that was a lie because I found both death certificates in her safe while packing to move and no where on there did it say “Lost and never found” what it did say was “Overdose” which was way more believable knowing my parents both struggled with addiction since I could remember, they would chose drugs over me like they did for 17 years. I guess this is my blessing in disguise.

   Maggie is great though. She’s 29, tall, long beautiful brown hair , and a sweet voice even when I am being a complete bitch to her its like there isn’t a mean bone in this woman body. For a while she seemed to walk on eggshells around me, I guess that’s how it starts if your mom keeps you hidden from absolutely everyone. Thinking back I bet she didn’t want to hear what a shitty mom she was, especially not from her overly successful little sisters.

Gods Plan? Possibly.

Our plane finally touched down after too little leg room and too long of a flight. Why is it that even first class still feels like you are in a suitcase?

So this is Texas?

Hot, steamy, Texas…….

The airport here in Houston is packed its almost like the craziness of New York in one building.

We finally got our luggage and headed to the rental car, Porsche? Subtle Mags subtle.

It took half the day but we finally made it to our new headquarters. Living with Maggie is like living with Martha freaking Stewart I swear this woman has a kitchen that could fit 20 normal homes in it.

Mags asked out of concern if the house was okay?


The house is beautiful that’s for sure, ive only ever seen houses like this in the movies.


Love, Lace

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