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July 3rd

Waking up in this new world felt almost like a fairytale.

The crisp chirping of birds that had made their home in the beautiful oak that is anchored next to my window, and all i can say is "wow".

Living in The Hamptons had it perks but this, this was unreal, untamed beauty of nature that wasn't covered in Nautica and Gucci.

Okay maybe there is Gucci and Nautica but so far its not in a "I am richer and better than you" kind of way.... Emphases on the "So Far".....

I made my way down the stairs this morning to find Mags cooking homemade bagels. Mags is not the greatest cook let alone baker but she loves it so I will happily smile while shoving a overly salted half baked bagel.

It was a lot better then stale fruit loops in a plastic bowl, having to move whatever narcotics my parents had decided to throw on the table the previous night.

Anything is better....

Telling Mags about the boy from last night over a cup of coffee was definitely different the I had imagined. I never had the relationship where telling my "mom" about a boy was a big bonding experience but Mags cried....

She offered to let me wear her clothes since my clothes are less then desirable... Mom hadn't taken me school shopping since I was 10 but my previous school counselor was kind enough to toss me a couple hand me downs from her oldest daughter. That was 7 years ago, so I guess to Maggie I was in need of a new wardrobe..

"And your hair"

Mags said with a very sympathetic smile.

She highly suggested a trip to of course the highest rated hair salon.

Turns out she already found a hair salon that has a boutique built in as well.


Charming, Minimalistic with a dash of cowgirl? The interior felt warm and inviting and open.

Katie had a chair open.

I told her to do whatever, I didn't have a single clue what I wanted.

While getting my split ends chopped off sweet Maggie was in the boutique scoping out new looks.

"Well are you ready?" Katie made it feel like I was on the latest episode of What Not To Wear.

Nervously I mumbled back "Yes"

The chair spun

There I was with layers and bangs and highlights and I love it!!!!

Excited I screamed for Maggie who rushed in immediately applauding Katie and showering me with the best compliments.

After taking in the new hair she walked me to the dressing room where what felt like a 100 outfits hung perfectly on the gold hook.

The price tags sat reminding me I am very much not in the same world I was 6 months ago.

Nervously I modeled each outfit giving it my own flare.

My favorite was a denim skirt, red and white crop top tank, and some tennis shoes. It just feels like me, a more polish me but still me.

The drive home still is unreal, the breeze blowing tall grass in one direction while cows and horses graze the fields.

The entrance to The Lakes had a banner hung above beautiful flowers

The banner read

“The Night Before the 4th Lake Beach Bash”

My mind raced wondering if Ryan knew.

We made it to our the cobblestones of the front porch.


Is that what time it is??

I need to hurry to meet up with Ryan.

“Wear the skirt!” Mags yelled from the kitchen.

I guess I was talking to myself out loud.

Or she’s a mind reader which wouldn’t really shock me.

I ran out of the solid reclaimed barn wood door like a track star slamming it behind me.

Probably shouldn’t have slammed it…….

I made my way down the walking path.

Looking up at the tall pines that lined the road and hit the houses like a protective barrier from the world outside this gated neighborhood.

There it is.

There he is.

And there are now over a 100 people.


The social anxiety has officially peaked

But there he is

His curly beach blond hair bouncing as he walked, smiling with the whitest teeth I had ever seen.

Am I dreaming?

“You changed your hair!?”

“It looks good on you” he yelled from the pier

Internally I was shriveling up to a prune and hiding.

Externally I was trying to play it off

“I was going for beach hair” that was dumb but I said it.

His smile. It was like sunshine.

Wrapping his arms around my neck he squeezed softly saying

“You still have the tag on your skirt.”

He plucked the tag as I felt my cheeks fill with embarrassment.

“No need to be shy now, you look beautiful”

I don’t know if it was the grin he had or the fact this unethically hot guy I just met called me beautiful but something now had my attention.

We walked to a place on the beach, he laid down a blanket and that night felt like forever under the stars.

With every firework pop the more I could feel his hand inch closer to mine.

Finally grasping mine his warmth shot through my arm.

I’m sure he could feel my pulse jump to a million.

Laying on the blanket next to him felt safe.

The show was over.

But he didn’t move.

I pretended to adjust myself on the blanket to catch a glimpse of me but when my eyes turned he was already staring at me.

“What are you thinking Hampton”


“Honestly at this very moment nothing for once”

Which was a lie, my mind was in overdrive with what ifs but word vomit was about the only thing I was good at.

“What did you do for fun up there? Let me guess cheerleader? Volleyball?” His accent was a wrecking ball it’s almost took away from the immediate judgement.

“I actually didn’t do any of that up there, where I lived when my parents were alive was above a boxing club, the owner wanted to help me and gave me free lessons for helping keep up with the place.”

“A boxer huh? That’s impressive” there it was that smile again.

“I better head back home before Maggie starts blowing up my phone, she’s still new to the parenting thing”

He took a long look at me, jumped up and held out his hand showing off what looked to be a tattoo in the crease of his arm.

“Thanks” I said grabbing his hand finally hoping to my feet.

The walk home felt too short his hand catching mind with every stride.

At the door he asked the same question “same time tomorrow?”

“Sure” my smile finally cracking through.

He made his way to the concrete of the drive and yelled “I need your number”

Yelling back I said “631, you’ll get the rest soon”


Love lace

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